Training Services

All sessions are one hour long. Sometimes shorter or longer sessions may be appropriate if your dog is nervous or you live outside Omaha and surrounding areas. Packages and discounts are available if you schedule multiple sessions. Discounts for Active and Retired Military.

Puppy 101

This package is ideal for guardians with a new puppy (2-11 months of age) in the home. We will discuss potty training, crate training, leash skills, dog body language, proper training techniques, and teach basic skills. If your puppy is displaying behavior concerns, another package may be recommended.

  • Three Sessions for $300
  • Five Sessions for $450

The Basics

This package is ideal for guardians wanting to work on basic skills, learn how to interpret dog body language, and curb certain behaviors before they start.

  • One Session for $100
  • Three Sessions for $300
  • Five Sessions for $450 (you save $50!)

Behavior Modification, Level 1

This package is ideal for dogs with one to three undesirable behaviors including:
  • Reactivity: Barking, growling and lunging at dogs, people, cars, etc.
  • Fear and Anxiety: Skittish, sensitivity to touch or vet care, destructive, Puppy Mill Dogs
  • Impulse Control: Jumping, play biting, excessive barking, humping, inability to settle
  • One Session for $150
  • Three Sessions $400 (you save $50!)

Behavior Modification, Level 2

This package is ideal for dogs exhibiting aggression (snapping/biting) at people or other animals.These sessions are geared toward dogs that have bit a human or another animal, making contact with their teeth and possibly causing injury. Also includes dogs that have been labeled as Potentially Dangerous by animal control or law enforcement.

  • One Session for $175
  • Three Sessions $525 

Zoom Session

This is ideal for guardians that live outside of Omaha, need basic management advice, or your dog may be unsafe to visitors. No consultation is needed prior to scheduling a Zoom session.
  • One hour Zoom session for $100